15 great workouts for middle splits
Going really deep in bound angle pose, frog pose and middle splits is a dream. It’s a long mission for most of us, and you need both flexibility and strength to achieve it safely. Here are 15 drills that improve strength and hip mobility that you can do at home with no equipment.
Hip Rotations
Perform roundhouse kicks in place
Forward Back Leg Swings
Swing leg back and forth, from a position resembling Warrior 3 to Uthita Hasta Pandangustasana C
Side To Side Swings
Swing leg to side and across center line
Opposite Foot To Hand Taps
Tap your opposite hand with your foot
High Knees
Lift knees high and keep a good tempo
Jog in place and kick your butt with your heels
Jumping Jacks
A well-known drill. Stretch your shoulders with puppy pose if you feel any stiffness or discomfort.
High Kicks
Kick low at side and then high, on or across center line
Mountain Climbers
Great to fire up core
Side Lunge Touchdowns
Start in center of mat, and lunge to the sides and touch ground with your hands
Inch Worms
Start in a standing forward fold, walk with your hands forward, do a push-up and walk with your hands back.
A burpee is a push-up followed by a squat jump, with hands to the sky at apex.
Squat Jumps
Squat jumps is great drill to fire up the legs
Ice Skaters
A powerful exercise that targets the whole legs
Ankle Crushers
Keep feet together and squat down. Go all the way down if you can do a full bound angle pose.