King Pigeon

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana
Last challenge
May backbends

Day ❷ of OhMyQuadYoga – King Pigeon Happy FlexibilityFriday! I still need an improvised strap for the KingPigeon or RajaKapotasana. Tee from Pinewood. CorkBracelet from Albufeira.

Day ④ of YogisWithGratefulHearts – Pigeon I bring a KingPigeon or RajaKapotasana. Today I remember CityOfHeroes, which was shut down five years ago. It was the best MMO. By the time NCSoft shut down City of Heroes, their stock value had dropped by 50 percent since the shutdown was announced three months earlier. Not a smart move to mess with the superheroes and supervillains.

Day ⓸ of Yoga4x7 – RajaKapotasana II with wall This is my very first KingPigeon II. I keep my hands on ground for now, since I otherwise tend to slide down (ouch).

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Publicerat av Lukas Mattsson

Yogi and developer