Warrior III Pose
- Sanskrit
- Virabhadrasana 3
- English
- Warrior 3
- Last challenge
- AlOver The Balance
Day ❸ of FunkySummerYogachallenge – warrior Seltering on a cannon in Bomarsund fortress, AlandIslands with Warrior3 or Virabhadrasana3. Square the hips, gaze forward, arms forward in standard form. NiralambaJatharaPadmasana tank by @eightfoldyoga
ShallowYogaChallenge – Day 5: Water front Yoga 🌊🐚☀️ I believe the Circle of Thorns is building a vast psychic network, bent on controlling everyone within the AlandIslands, possibly the world. You and I cannot have that, shallow warrior. And so you must do what you can to stop it. If AnnSimmons senses are accurate, there is a great buildup of psionic crystals in Maarianhamina. Go there, and destroy them! But finding those crystals before they fully activate needs tuning in their frequency, which is a significant risk of acute pineal gland calcification. But birds have evolved over tens of millions of years to navigate by geomagnetic fields, and might have built up resistance to the adverse effects of psionic fields. So befriend a swan with a standingpose. Avoid arm balances, headstands and seated poses as the ground might be contaminated with bird feces, possible carrying avian flu. Virabhadrasana3 or Warrior3 is a safe choice, so go Seltering with that swan. Your shallowyoga will enrich the place, so birds with avian flu will stay away until they are healthy and no longer shed viruses.
Day ⓹ of BlossomBeyondYourBody – Virabhadrasana3 ➡️ Natarajasana Happy SelteringSaturday! Be a Warrior, not a worrier.
Day Ⅴ of CeaseandDesistYoga – Any asana in front of a courthouse or Lawyers office! I have no appropriate looking courthouse in my area, but my friends from CityofHeroes gave me a helping hand. Seltering in the air in front of the ParagonCity CityHall.
Day ⓷ of NamaSlay2018 – Day 3 – Any Warrior I bring two Warriorposes, the Warrior3 Virabhadrasana3 and the KneeWarrior. In Warrior 3, I tend to rotate my foot outwards, so I focus on rotating it inwards, and it makes even. The Kneebalance warrior is still a work in progress, but it will be awesome to be stable there. Once there is a good replacement game for City Of Heroes, my lead healer will be able to use his or her knee to heal people, and have achieved that ability by years of knee balance practice. This is my last post this week, wish you all amazing yogis and yoginis a fantastic week
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