Block IP addresses in Apache 2.4

Apache 2.4 has a different syntax for blocking IP addresses of scammers and spammers than old 2.2, and using the old syntax does even cause ”Internal Server Error” on some hosts. So don’t write like ”deny from” and do like below instead. Even unsuccessful spam/exploit attempts drain server resources, so a good blacklist gives …

Attackerad av banditer från

Den nya skurksajten är ett gissel för utvecklare. Genom att utnyttja buggar i äldre versioner av php och i vissa fall XSS injiceras en kodrad i en viktig fil, som t ex wp-config.php om man kör WordPress. Kodraden är maskerad med base64, men så här ser den ut om man avkodar den. error_reporting(0); $nccv=headers_sent(); … failure to stop spamming

Today, I gave the vicious spammer from IP a clear message to stop his criminal activity. The purpose was to end his harassment to innocent web masters. Just before 1PM today, I gave him one chance, one last chance to come into compliance or to face serious consequences. Today, I ran a cat access.log …