The Downward Flow of Hip Opening and Core Strength

Today’s yoga practice was empowering, balancing and a great way to work on both my hip flexibility and core strength. I began by preparing for Firelog Pose, seated in a lotus-like position. This grounding pose emphasizes releasing the hips, and allows the spine to relax and open up. Great for releasing tension from your lower …

Take Your Yoga Practice to New Heights

Yoga is a great way to increase your flexibility, strength, and mindfulness. But today, let’s take it to the next level with an edgy yoga practice that includes flying crow pose, crescent lunge, floating bound angle, frog pose, and bound extended side angle pose. Flying crow pose is an arm balance that requires a lot …

Wellness challenge for August

Five burpees every morning. Wellness shot in the morning with ginger and lime. 5 ml MSM in a glass of water every morning. 15 ml of apple cider vinegar every morning, optionally to mix in a glass of water. Mobile turned off until breakfast, follow-up of yesterday and planning for the day is complete. Yoga …

Workout Wednesday – Glutes

Today is about your most important asset, which is safe regardless what the Federal Reserve do. And 2020 ain’t done with us yet! I’m talking about the glutes, a weak butt is a liability and a strong butt is a best and safest ASSet! Glutes might have an bad rep, and glute drills are often …