A May 2021 challenge
Alo May Stretch A Day was a May 2021 challenge, from 10th to 17th. Asanas include Upwardfacing dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), Wide legged forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana), King Arthur and Dolphin pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana).
Day 1 Neck – A Pose that helps you to stretch the muscles around your neck.
Day 2 Arms or/and Shoulders – Any pose that stretches this areas
Day 3 Chest/heart – Any pose that stretches this areas
Day 4 Back Any pose where you feel your back stretching
Day 5 Abdomen – Any pose for an abdomen good Stretch
Day 6 Hamstrings or glutes – Any pose that stretches this areas
Day 7 Quads – Any pose for quads stretch
Day 8 Calves/feet – Any pose that stretches this areas
Hosts and sponsors
@aloyoga #aloyoga
@alomoves #alomoves