A September 2022 challenge
Alobout STEM 3 was a September 2022 challenge, from 11th to 18th. Asanas include Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana), Tree pose (Vrksasana), Revolved side angle pose (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) and Flying crow pose (Eka Pada Kakasana).
Thermodynamics – Twist to move energy
Force – Arm balance using muscular force to hold up your mass*9.81 m/(s*s)
Compression – Eagle pose, working compression on the centerline in the upper and lower body
Stress – Use your civil engineering skills in your plank or straight-line pose to defy pressure and stress
Evolution – Which pose have you grown the most in recently?
Gravity – Let’s defy it with an Inversion!
Structure – What pose allows you to feel the most stable?
Machine – Yogi’s choice (carwheel workout with high knees)
Hosts and sponsors