An October 2022 challenge
Aloboutedibleasanas was an October 2022 challenge, from 3rd to 10th. Asanas include Frog pose (Mandukasana), Infinity pose (Ananthasana), Camel pose (Ustrasana) and Wide-Angle Seated Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana).
Banana split any hip opener 🍌
Pretzel any bind 🥨
Croissant any heart opener 🥐
Pancake any fold 🥞
Angel delight fallen angel or shoulderstand🍨
Apple turnover any inversion🍎
Picnic yogis choice outside🥪
Cornish or vegetarian pasty child pose or restorative🥟
Hosts and sponsors
@AloYoga #aloyoga
@Alomoves #alomoves