Asana And Gratitude

A July 2017 challenge

Asana And Gratitude was a July 2017 challenge, from 15th to 24th. Asanas include Wheelpose (Urdva Dhanurasana), Headstand (Sirsasana), Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana) and Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose).

Day 1: Dhanurasana or bow pose
Day 2: Any inversion w/ eagle legs
Day 3: 8 angle pose
Day 4: Dancerpose
Day 5: Chinstand
Day 6: Flying Warrior
Day 7: Wild thing
Day 8: Any inversion w/ hollowback
Day 9: Crow
Day 10: Cobra .

Hosts and sponsors

💖 The lovely hosts:
🙏 @kittyfhloe
🙏 @yogawithhelena
🙏 @kwang_angkana
🙏 @tiny.kirsty
🙏 @smilewitch
This is open to all levels, and we have teamed up with 4 amazing sponsors:
🎁 @dharmabumsactive
🎁 @niyama_sports & Kirstys ebook, @hiittoinvert 🎁

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Publicerat av Lukas Mattsson

Yogi and developer