An August 2017 challenge
Asana and Prep was an August 2017 challenge, from 18th to 31st. Asanas include Chair Pose (Utkatasana), Chair Pose (Utkatasana), Crouching Tiger (Ardha Malasana) and Chaturanga (Chaturanga Dandasana).
Day 1 cat mobilisation
Day 2 long cat to chaturanga to plank
Day 3 long cat to downdog to 3 legged dog
Day 4 forearm cat mobilisation to forearm plank
Day 5 forearm cat to dolphin to 3 legged dolphin
Day 6 boat prep to boat
Day 7 downdog to handstand
Day 8 dolphin to forearmbalance
Day 9 dolphin to headstand
Day 10 chair to crow
Day 11 chair to side chair
Day 12 side chair to side crow
Day 13 lunges to EPK1
Day 14 chaturanga to EPK2
Hosts and sponsors