A December 2020 challenge
Cozy Bodhi Babes was a December 2020 challenge, from 26th to 1st. Asanas include Cobra pose (Bhujangasana), Upwardfacing dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), Hero Pose (Virasana) and Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana).
Post Christmas Recovery ~ Any stretch which feels good! ☺️
Finishing Up Leftovers: Any seated pose 🍽
Netflix and Chillasana: Any yin or restorative pose you can do watching TV 📺
What Day Is It? Any inversion to represent flipped routines and schedules 🗓
Ready for Change ~ Any pose you are working on/hoping to make progress with next year 🔜
New Years Eve ~ Any pose representing your NYE celebrations 🎉
2021 ~ Any heart opener to welcome 2021 with joy 💞
Hosts and sponsors
🛋 Hosts:
🛏 Sponsors:
@Yogandha_Oils Use SOPHIE10 for a discount