Fold into Fall
A September 2017 challenge
Fold into Fall was a September 2017 challenge, from 18th to 29th. Asanas include Standing split (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana), Marichyasana A (Marichyasana), Wide legged forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana) and Super Soldier Pose (Viparita Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana).
Standing forward fold
Humble warrior
Downward dog
Standing marichyasana a
Standing split
Marichyasana b
Wide legged forward fold
Super soldier
Compass chair variation
Janu sirsasana
Headstand with wrist tap
Hosts and sponsors
🍂Hosts (in posting order)
@yogaandchaigirl .
🍁Our wonderful sponsors:
@yogisurprise .