Gracefully Strong Yogis

A July 2017 challenge

Gracefully Strong Yogis was a July 2017 challenge, from 17th to 28th. Asanas include Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended hand to big toe pose), Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana 3), Tiptoe Balance (Prapadasana) and Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose).

Day 1 Back Bend
Day 2 Hip Opener
Day 3 Arm balance
Day 4 Inversion
Day 5 Balance Pose
Day 6 Seated Pose
Day 7 Forward Fold
Day 8 Hamstring Stretch
Day 9 Twist
Day 10 Balance on tiptoes
Day 11 Shoulder opener
Day 12 Hollowback

Hosts and sponsors

Hosted by:
☀️ @kimterpstra1978
☀️ @lancuks_yoga
☀️ @elena_miss_yoga
Our Gracious Sponsors
☀️ @pranamat
☀️ @yoga_democracy
☀️ @liforme (no Shipping to Russia nor Ukraine)
☀️ @yogaforgymnasts
☀️ @malas_bluerock
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Publicerat av Lukas Mattsson

Yogi and developer