Invert Or Bend 3

A November 2017 challenge

Invert Or Bend 3 was a November 2017 challenge, from 15th to 24th. Asanas include Pincha (Pincha Mayurasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Crow pose (Kakasana) and Forearm Wheel (Viparita Dandasana).

Day 1: Bound two legged downdog – Lotus legs cobra
Day 2: Bound angle headstand – King Pigeon
Day 3: Dolphin – Cow pose
Day 4: Lotus in shoulderstand – Low lunge
Day 5: Pincha – Puppy pose
Day 6: One legged bridge – One legged bow
Day 7: Crow pose -Alien Wheel
Day 8: Forearmwheel – Locust
Day 9: Funky inversion – Fallen Dancer
Day 10: Your all time favourite inversions – backbends

Hosts and sponsors

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Publicerat av Lukas Mattsson

Yogi and developer