Lion Or Lamb Asanas 2
An August 2020 challenge
Lion Or Lamb Asanas 2 was an August 2020 challenge, from 24th to 28th. Asanas include Wide legged forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana), Urdhva Dandasana (Upward Facing Staff Pose), Grasshopper pose (Parsva Bhuja Dandasana) and Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana).
Malasana 🦁 / Reclined goddess pose 🐑
Firefly 🦁 / Wide legged forward fold 🐑
Any pike inversion 🦁 / Feet up the wall 🐑
Hopper pose 🦁 / Janu sirsasana 🐑
Handstand 🦁 / Tree Pose 🐑
Hosts and sponsors
🦁🐑🧡 Hosts 🧡🐑🦁
🦁🐑🧡 Sponsors 🧡🐑🦁
@LovePrayJewelry (“ASIA20” for 20% off!)