Solar System Planets Asana
An August 2021 challenge
Solar System Planets Asana was an August 2021 challenge, from 1st to 5th. Asanas include Lotus pose (Padmasana), Wide legged forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana), Fire log pose (Agnistambhasana) and Goddess pose (Kalyasana).
Day 1➡️Earth – grounding make you feel a live
Day 2➡️Saturnus – circle / fold pose make you feel safe
Day 3➡️Mars – power / fire log make you feel full energy
Day 4➡️Mercury – any pose make you feel close with your warm heart
Day 5➡️Pluto – any pose make you feel far away with forgiveness
Hosts and sponsors
🪐 Hosts:
🚀 Sponsors: