Spring Keep It Clean
A February 2020 challenge
Spring Keep It Clean was a February 2020 challenge, from 28th to 5th. Asanas include Lotus pose (Padmasana), Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta trikonasana), Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana) and Headstand lotus (Urdhva Padmasana).
1️⃣Mind detox with meditation ➰ Seated pose.
2️⃣Body detox by eating healthy ➰ any twist.
3️⃣Clean and tidy your room ➰ hip opener.
4️⃣Technology detox ➰ don’t post anything!
5️⃣Routine detox, try something new ➰ any inversion.
6️⃣Sleep detox, sleep 8 hours in a row ➰ savasana or any floor pose.
7️⃣full body and mind detox: do yoga ➰ yogis choice.
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