Super Heroes Do Yoga

A May 2019 challenge

Super Heroes Do Yoga was a May 2019 challenge, from 8th to 14th. Asanas include Goddess pose (Kalyasana), Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), Bound Lizard Pose and Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana).

Day 1: Hulk – Goddess / Wild Thing
Day 2: Hawk Eye – Archer / Bow
Day 3: Doctor Strange – Lotus / Tree
Day 4: Captain Marvel – full side plank / chin stand
Day 5: Iron Man – Locust / revolved side angle
Day 6: Captain America – humble Warrior / Crescent Warrior
Day 7: Spiderman – Inversion / split

Hosts and sponsors

Super Hero Hosts:
Benevolent Sponsors:

Bläddra Super Heroes Do Yoga på Instagram

Publicerat av Lukas Mattsson

Yogi and developer