Yogi Moon Phases
A July 2021 challenge
Yogi Moon Phases was a July 2021 challenge, from 24th to 31st. Asanas include Lotus pose (Padmasana), Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana), Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana 3) and Tree pose (Vrksasana).
Any Seated Pose. The beginning of the lunar cycle is our time to turn inward and listen to what our intuition wants us to take on next.
Any Moon Pose. Now that you’ve set your intention for what you want, it is time to use fresh energy to plan and focus on the details you can implement toward your goal.
Any Warrior Pose. As your intention and project continue to evolve and grow, you’re now on your way to start seeing your actual vision come to life.
Any Standing Pose. At this point, your plate is full of all the goodness your efforts have been providing.
Any Inverted Pose. When the sun illuminates the entire moon, this is the time of peak energy and celebration. Kick things off by writing what you are grateful for.
Any Backbend Pose. This is the time to take what is working and push it forward and share it what you’ve learned or created with others.
Any Balancing Pose. This is the half-way point of making decisions. It’s not an ideal time to start something new, but rather a time to decide what to let go of in order to create space.
Yogis Choice. Surrender into what is working in your life and fully embrace what you’ve worked so hard on the past few days.
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