Yogis with open hearts
An October 2020 challenge
Yogis with open hearts was an October 2020 challenge, from 6th to 9th. Asanas include Reverse hands prayer (Pashchima Namaskarasana), Wheelpose (Urdva Dhanurasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) and Fishpose (Matsyasana).
💗Week 1: Oct 6, Pose: Any back bend,Task: I will conduct a breast self-examination this month, Affirmation: I am worth it
💗Week 2: Oct 13, Pose: Any supine heart opener pose, Task: I will check on a friend, Affirmation: I support my community
💗Week 3: Oct 20, Pose: Any seated heart opener pose, Task: I will do a yoga flow today, Affirmation: I am strong
💗Week 4: Oct 27, Pose: Yogi’s Choice of Heart Opener, Task: I will find ways to give support (There are many ways, giving money is just one example), Affirmation: I can make a difference
Hosts and sponsors
@gocleveryoga (4 prizes)
@evolutionhealth (2 prizes)
@rollgahealth (2 prizes)