Happy Workout Wednesday! This week is legs, and I bring eleven exercises that you can do at home without equipment to build strength, flexibility and balance. Forward back leg swings, Frankenstein lifts, Jumping lunges, Skandasana switches, Side Lunge Touchdowns, Warrior 3 endurance hold, Ankle Crushers, Ice Skaters, Figure Four Squats, Tiptoe Goddess Pulses and Goddess …
Etikettarkiv: Calisthenics
Calisthenics is strength building workouts using your body weight. It is a great way to get fit during the Covid-19 pandemic, as most exercises doesn’t require equipments.
Core drills
Today’s Workout Wednesday is core drills. The drills are Supine hip lift, Hollow body side holds, Crunches with legs up, Pulse-ups, Fifer Scissors, Headstand pike leg raises, Headstand L-switches, Rocking Boat, One arm/one leg plank, Tuck on toes lift and Plank with knees to opposite elbows. Next Wednesday is legs 🦵🔥 See more drills on …
15 great workouts for middle splits
Going really deep in bound angle pose, frog pose and middle splits is a dream. It’s a long mission for most of us, and you need both flexibility and strength to achieve it safely. Here are 15 drills that improve strength and hip mobility that you can do at home with no equipment. Hip Rotations …