Winter Dragonflies

A February 2025 challenge

Winter Dragonflies was a February 2025 challenge, from 3rd to 7th. Asanas include Fishpose (Matsyasana), Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana), Locust pose (Salabhasana) and Wide legged forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana).

The word winter comes from the Germanic wintar which signifies a wet season. Any water themed pose.
On Uranus, winter lasts for 21 years!! Any flying, floating, or balance pose.
An insect called the Weta completely freezes during winter. In spring, the insect unfreezes and carries on! Any animal or nature pose.
All snowflakes have 6 sides. In 1988, two snowflakes collected were confirmed to be twins at an atmospheric research center. Any symmetrical or angular pose.
From today (Feb. 7) there are 41 days until the official start of spring. What is your favoritte winter activity? Yogis choice.

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Publicerat av Lukas Mattsson

Yogi and developer